Title: The Tree Of Life
Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Year: 2011
Director: Terrence Malick
Starring: Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain
The story goes back and forth between Jack growing up in the 50s as the eldest son in his family and him in the present (played by Sean Penn) struggling with life. There is the complicated relationship with the strict and old-fashioned father (Brad Pitt), his loving beautiful and overly sweet angelic mother (Jessica Chastain) and finally the death of his brother as a teenager. Between all this and the alienation from himself and the world, he ponders upon the question of life, what it all means, what God is trying to tell us by making the world such a cruel place and how to put together the good and the bad, the faith and life. Though most of this is not spelt out in words, as much as it's displayed by symbolism and certain camera angels that put things into perspective.
Bedchel Test:
At least 2 Women? Yes. There is the mother, some family/neighbours and some woman (?) consoling her for a brief second.
Talking? Yes. For a very short moment.
...About something other than men? No. They're talking about her sons.
I cannot understand for my life understand why this has won anything at Cannes, neither why anyone would love this movie.
I went to the cinema with three other people, all differently minded than me, all with distinct tastes in film, but when we went out of the cinema we were all assured in one thing: what a boring excuse for a movie!
Not all of the 139 painstakingly long minutes was wasted, though, so I'll start of with the good parts: There are wonderful camera shots and a beautiful scenery. In general, but some scenes are really extraordinarily stunning and would have made an already great movie perfect.
The lack of good entertainment also can't be blamed on the great actors. I love Sean Penn but I also admire Brad Pitt as an actor, and he did a very convincing job at how I imagine a lot of father sin the 50s in the US would have been. I did not like the female role but that's not because of the actress, the character was just not very believable written, much too goody two shoes. The child actors were all convincing and created a believable atmosphere.
There's also the special effects: Douglas Trumpell (known for his work on Odyssee in Space) did a great job at produces a long sequence that showed the process of life and the creation of the universe.
He has spoken about his work in this film, explaining how such a creative artwork found its way into the movie : “We worked with chemicals, paint, fluorescent dyes, smoke, liquids, CO2, flares, spin dishes, fluid dynamics, lighting and high speed photography to see how effective they might be. It was a free-wheeling opportunity to explore, something that I have found extraordinarily hard to get in the movie business. We did things like pour milk through a funnel into a narrow trough and shoot it with a high-speed camera and folded lens, lighting it carefully and using a frame rate that would give the right kind of flow characteristics to look cosmic, galactic, huge and epic.”
Enough with the praise then. Why do I not like this movie then? First: it's not the mere fact that it's experimental. I don't mind long or confusing parts in films, I don't need a straight narrative, I don't mind putting up with a lot of hard work while watching a film - if it is rewarding.
"The Tree of Life" tries to be something so much more than American popcorn entertainment, and fails. If it's not the story, not the actors and not the camera and scenery - what is it then? Well for one, it promises great things with its slow movements and long pauses, it asks big questions and then leaves them unanswered. If those questions felt realistic, that would be fine, but instead they feel like reading the "contents" page of a primary school Ethics book on the meaning of life. Such a waste of talent. Maybe this movie dares to ask questions new to Hollywood, but surely not to cinema itself.
When I read through the reviews I feel like I've went to see a different movie than these people. So much praise for this drivel?
"The Tree of Life is a film of vast ambition and deep humility, attempting no less than to encompass all of existence and view it through the prism of a few infinitesimal live" - Roger Ebert
It attempts it alright, but manages to? Certainly not. Coming close to it would be an achievement big enough, but neither that.
"The Tree of Life is nonetheless a singular work, an impressionistic metaphysical inquiry into mankind’s place in the grand scheme of things that releases waves of insights amidst its narrative imprecisions." - Todd McCarthy
Look at all those big words! I find it laughable that somehow people seem lurred into believing that some big words and walking through the sand, watching a tree grow and death as such make a movie deep and meaningful.
On the other hand, there are people who got it right. Sukhdev Sandhu of the Daily Telegraph said the movie was "self-absorbed and achingly slow, almost buckling under the weight of its swoony poetry", while Screen Daily grants the movie "moments of breathtaking visual and aural beauty" but declares it "a cinematic credo about spiritual transcendence which, while often shot through with poetic yearning, preaches too directly to its audience. If ever a whole film were on the nose, this is it."
Self-absorded? Pretentious? I could not agree more. Yet I don't even feel the producers were aware of it at all. It feels like watching the creation of a small child who just pondered some questions about her existence for the first time and thinks that makes her the greatest philosopher of all time.
Pondering about life and spirituality are no bad things, obviously. I don't study philosophy for nothing, I love it! But just putting some questions about life and God and human emotions out there, with some pseudo-poetic words to it and set to wonderful pictures, that doesn't make a good movie alone.
Let's not even talk about the male/female worldview in this one. It was the 50s afterall. On the other hand, more than the realistic portrayal of the gender situation in that time, is the personal presentation of the parents. The father a complicated troubled soul, the father the perfect person there to pick up the pieces and make everyone feel loved. Personality? Nada, just christian-value-filled devotion to her family and God's love. Angelic features, angelic
soul, white and clean perfection. I shall stop this review before I barf.
When I read through the reviews I feel like I've went to see a different movie than these people. So much praise for this drivel?
"The Tree of Life is a film of vast ambition and deep humility, attempting no less than to encompass all of existence and view it through the prism of a few infinitesimal live" - Roger Ebert
It attempts it alright, but manages to? Certainly not. Coming close to it would be an achievement big enough, but neither that.
"The Tree of Life is nonetheless a singular work, an impressionistic metaphysical inquiry into mankind’s place in the grand scheme of things that releases waves of insights amidst its narrative imprecisions." - Todd McCarthy
Look at all those big words! I find it laughable that somehow people seem lurred into believing that some big words and walking through the sand, watching a tree grow and death as such make a movie deep and meaningful.
On the other hand, there are people who got it right. Sukhdev Sandhu of the Daily Telegraph said the movie was "self-absorbed and achingly slow, almost buckling under the weight of its swoony poetry", while Screen Daily grants the movie "moments of breathtaking visual and aural beauty" but declares it "a cinematic credo about spiritual transcendence which, while often shot through with poetic yearning, preaches too directly to its audience. If ever a whole film were on the nose, this is it."
Self-absorded? Pretentious? I could not agree more. Yet I don't even feel the producers were aware of it at all. It feels like watching the creation of a small child who just pondered some questions about her existence for the first time and thinks that makes her the greatest philosopher of all time.
Pondering about life and spirituality are no bad things, obviously. I don't study philosophy for nothing, I love it! But just putting some questions about life and God and human emotions out there, with some pseudo-poetic words to it and set to wonderful pictures, that doesn't make a good movie alone.
Let's not even talk about the male/female worldview in this one. It was the 50s afterall. On the other hand, more than the realistic portrayal of the gender situation in that time, is the personal presentation of the parents. The father a complicated troubled soul, the father the perfect person there to pick up the pieces and make everyone feel loved. Personality? Nada, just christian-value-filled devotion to her family and God's love. Angelic features, angelic
soul, white and clean perfection. I shall stop this review before I barf.
Verdict: Fail & Not Recommended