XXY (2007) by LucÍa Puenzo tells the story of Alex (Inés Efron plays wonderfully convincing here!) a 15-year-old intersex person who is being raised as a girl with the help of medicine to surpress masculine features. The film deals with the way the family copes with her/his condition, first love and the ultimate decision that s/he must eventually take in a gender-driven world.
Recently Alex has stopped taking her meds. Her mother invites friends to stay with them for some time: a surgeon, his wife and teenage son Álvaro. Her hope, unknown to her husband and Alex, is to discuss the possibilities of a sex-change operation and turn Alex finally into the "proper" girl she has always wished to have. Alex' father, a biologist, however is unsure about it and just wants what is best for his child.
Meanwhile Alex and Álvaro start a strange and mutually confusing relationship that causes turmoil in both their sexual and emotional identities.
This Argentine film is very strong on emotional and visual levels alike, and comes with a clear and loud message: not to press gender identity on children and making them insecure about their bodies and feelings.
Verdict: Pass & Highly Recommended
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